
Teacher Training

“Fun and not dry at all.” – A workshop just for teachers, to help improve teacher-student communication and engagement. Run in-school or online.

Connecting with high school students isn't always easy.

In Teacher Training, our experienced facilitators, with over 15 years of working with young people, share their valuable insights.

We don't just lecture for a few hours. Instead, through engaging discussions and practical exercises, teachers will learn about the impact of societal expectations on young men and women. They'll also leave with a toolkit for having honest and meaningful conversations with their students.

Participants will :


Deep-dive into the history, expectations, and key statistics of being a young man today, tackling the daily issues teenagers face.


Explore tough topics in a safe, non-judgmental environment (such as school refusals, bullying, pornography, low self-esteem, anxiety, and social media).


Develop skills to listen to others with genuine curiosity and empathy


Get the chance to ask our expert facilitators questions about strengthening their relationship with students


Experience firsthand what students go through in the student program, which includes learning how to express greater emotional range

Enquire Now

Together, the Student Program, A Night With The Folks (with parents), and Teacher Training equip your school community to continue engaging and supporting one another outside our workshops. 

What they say

“A good reminder on the importance of empowering young people with the skills to navigate the challenges of their world.”

– Teacher Training participant

“A good reminder on the importance of empowering young people with the skills to navigate the challenges of their world.”

– Teacher Training participant

“The facilitators delivered the information in an engaging way, keeping content relevant and interesting.”

– Teacher Training participant

You are doing great work guys. This type of program is greatly needed and should be integrated more within mainstream learning within schools. This work should be a part of students’ daily and ongoing learning program and not just occasional workshops.”

– Teacher Training participant

“Thank you. I felt this workshop was incredibly worthwhile and educational. I would like to see this go beyond one hour.”

– Teacher Training participant

“They were very informative and created thought provoking discussions. They were very good at getting a large group of purple back on task. They were approachable and very well informed on their topics. Very professional!”

– Teacher Training participant



The tools to have better conversations with students


Confidence with encouraging students to grow their emotional range


Increased understanding about young people today

Face-to-face or via Zoom?

Both are equally impactful as our facilitators are also well-trained to engage online group settings – yes, even beyond those tech mishaps! Just ask.


If you’re a teacher, principal, head of student wellbeing, or parent/carer who’d like to organise these programs or have any questions, email us. Download a brochure here, which includes our recommended schedule.

Get in touch to book a workshop.