
Middle Ground

Following on from the entry level Tomorrow Man + Tomorrow Women workshops, Middle Ground connects all genders through empathy + understanding of shared and unique experiences.

Bringing all genders together to explore each others experiences

This two hour sessions brings young people together to explore the history + impact of the relationship between the binary genders before today, taking into account many complex topics.

Tomorrow Man + Tomorrow Woman will create a safe, non- judgemental environment to share different perceptions on gender; encouraging participants to be more understanding, patient+ more empathetic of one another.

We'll explore what the relationship between genders could look like in the future, giving participants the opportunity to share their hopes for the people of tomorrow.

Workshop Objectives


Build greater understanding and empathy of individual lived experiences


Explore and redefine what the relationship between genders could look like moving forward


Have greater agency to positively impact the culture within the school environment

Join this transformative journey - it’s an investment in the future well-being of not only young men but the whole school community. Together we can create a tomorrow where all young people have the tools and confidence to navigate life's challenges in an authentic, respectful & empowered way.

Enquire Now

What they say

"I feel more confident as I realised that others were also feeling the same as me, they also felt like they couldn’t connect but wanted to. I feel more confident in talking to others that I would not have previously. "

- Workshop Participant

"I feel like I already knew who these people were, but never really understood them until now. I’ve never even had a proper conversation until today."

- Connection Code Participant

Face-to-face or via Zoom?

Both are equally impactful as our facilitators are also well-trained to engage online group settings – yes, even beyond those tech mishaps! Just ask.


If you’re a teacher, principal, head of student wellbeing, or parent/carer who’d like to organise these programs or have any questions, email us. Download a brochure here, which includes our recommended schedule.

Get in touch to book a workshop.