“Our biggest emphasis,” Harkin says, “is on building the awareness and the emotional muscle to rewrite the rules of men for tomorrow.” Given what’s happening in Australia today, this can’t come soon enough.
Andrew Tate's ideology inducing misogyny in Australian schools
More than ever, it’s a confusing time to be a bloke. Tom Harkin, co-founder of Tomorrow Man, was interviewed for Norman Hermant and Ahmed Yussuf's news story for ABC's 7.30 Report, discussing toxic masculinity, Andrew Tate, and misogyny in Australian classrooms. Highlighting Tate's influence is even spilling over into our classrooms, leading to some teachers, especially women, feeling the strain and leaving their jobs due to his influence.
As hyper-masculine content floods social media, a 'healthier' men's movement is stepping up
"The stereotype is still there that guys want to get all the girls and they want to dominate the sporting field ... they want to be a dominant person," Tom says. "But that's not everyone in the room.”
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