Community Activation in Wagga Wagga

Last week the Tomorrow Man team had the privilege of running our Community Activation Program in Wagga Wagga NSW. Thanks to the generous funding contributions from Truly Deeply Brands Art for Heart fundraiser, Gotcha4Life and Riverina Bluebell

We love Wagga Wagga!

Last week the Tomorrow Man team was in Wagga Wagga NSW rolling out our Community Activation Program. Throughout 11 workshops at four local schools and A Night with the Blokes session we met so many amazing and courageous people. Willing to break down the expectations and rules on gender stereotypes. Opening up and owning their stories, making connections with those around them and building tighter and more solid support networks for the future.

Solid times at Kooringal High
Solid times at Kooringal High

School Workshops

The young guys in Wagga had some of the most charismatic energy you could imagine. Walking into school classrooms full of rowdy teenage blokes is one of the greatest feelings ever, they have absolutely no idea that in a matter of half an hour they'll be seeing a completely different side of one another. This couldn't have been any more apparent than the workshops at Kooringal High School. The year 10 and 11 guys had so much energy, they really fit the typical teenage lad vibe, but an hour into the workshop these blokes had flipped the lid on what a real man is at Kooringal High School is. The conversation vibrating around the room were mind blowing, guys that normally would never throw their voice were stepping up as the hero of the workshop, and gents that staff had warned us about, were taking ownership over the direction of the workshop, demanding more from themselves and each other. It's a real privilege to see a different side of a person that has spent so long building an image.

See you soon!

We can't wait for Wagga Wagga Round 2 to do follow up workshops with all the schools and a few new schools and sports clubs that have caught wind of the Tomorrow Man work. See you in early 2019 Wagga Wagga!

Tomorrow Man Team on the Murrumbidgee
Tomorrow Man Team on the Murrumbidgee

A Night with the Blokes

Delivering workshops to schools is awesome, but then getting to speak to the dads, the teachers, the coaches of sports clubs, and the local men, of all ages, from the community is another thing all together. We often forget about the positive power a group of blokes can have when they get together and talk openly and honestly, we saw that power during A Night With Blokes in Wagga Wagga. The courage and bravery of the men in the room was inspiring. Young people are always willing to jump in when it comes to this work, it's a little hard the older we get and the men of Wagga Wagga certainly threw themselves in the deep end, making the session really successful.

Step to the Line at Blokes Night
Step to the Line at Blokes Night

And Thank you

Special thanks to Jan and Denbigh from Riverina Bluebell for all their hard work promoting A Night with the Blokes. Your passion for the people of Wagga is undeniably strong and the community is so very lucky to have you. Also to Truly Deeply Brands - Art with Heart Fundraiser and Gotcha4Life for making this Community Activation in Wagga possible.

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Behind The Mask Podcast

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Andrew Tate's ideology inducing misogyny in Australian schools

More than ever, it’s a confusing time to be a bloke. Tom Harkin, co-founder of Tomorrow Man, was interviewed for Norman Hermant and Ahmed Yussuf's news story for ABC's 7.30 Report, discussing toxic masculinity, Andrew Tate, and misogyny in Australian classrooms. Highlighting Tate's influence is even spilling over into our classrooms, leading to some teachers, especially women, feeling the strain and leaving their jobs due to his influence.

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As hyper-masculine content floods social media, a 'healthier' men's movement is stepping up

"The stereotype is still there that guys want to get all the girls and they want to dominate the sporting field ... they want to be a dominant person," Tom says. "But that's not everyone in the room.”

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